donderdag 13 oktober 2011

When nature fights back


My first post about schoolwork I've made!

I choose to make a project about nature and how we use it ATM, but than the opposite way(If 'nature fights back').

I used big signs out of wood and I've made black signing out of cardboard.

It's an impressive 'window' and not very pretty, but my goal was to make people think, react and maybey even discuss about it.

Let me know what you think and what your oppinion is bout how we 'use' nature!


donderdag 6 oktober 2011


First I want to say sorry about my 'let's introduce myself in the most uncreative way' - post,

and then I start!

I'm Suus(Susanne, but some people don't even know that's my excual name), I'm eighteen years old and studying to become a stylist or graphic designer(can't pick......)

Naomi and I are very good friends and a week ago we decided to start a blog together: Svage Grace, where we'll show you our work, thoughts and other stuff.

I hope you'll enjoy and forget about this lousy introducing post!


dinsdag 4 oktober 2011

Svage Grace 1st post!

Hi there,

This is the first post of Svage Grace! What you see here is a page of my BrainBook. You will see it very often cause I keep all my chimera/toughts in it, so I will never forget about things . I really wanted to share this with you guys because it explains everything about this blog. Suus is my companion and good friend in all this and we'd love to share all our experiences with you guys! 

